Tom Sikorski
Deputy Director of Public Services
Phone: (269) 651-2879

You are here : Departments > Public Services > Snow Removal
Snow Removal

During snowfall, DPS is responsible for snow removal from city streets, City-owned parking lots, downtown sidewalks, and Kirsch Municipal Airport. DPS staff, with the assistance of the police department, monitor weather conditions and respond accordingly.

Minimal Events (less than 1" of accumulation): Anti-icing liquids are applied at major intersections in advance of the event.

Minor Event (less than 3" of accumulation): State highways in town and major city streets are cleared and treated with salt as necessary. Local streets are not cleared, but intersections are treated with salt as needed.

Normal Event (greater than 3" of accumulation): State highways, major and local streets, parking lots, downtown sidewalks, and the Airport will be cleared and treated with salt as required.

Major Event, Snow Removal Emergency (greater than 4" of accumulation or as declared): DPS crews will concentrate their efforts on maintaining roadways in passable condition for motorists using State highways and major city streets. As snow diminishes near the end of a storm, clearing operations on local city streets, city parking lots, sidewalks and the Airport will begin. A Major Event is considered a Snow Removal Emergency as described in the City Code of Ordinances. During a Snow Removal Emergency, no on-street parking is allowed on any City street. A Snow Removal Emergency takes effect one of two ways:

  1. Automatically when snow accumulations are greater than four inches; or
  2. When the City declares a Snow Removal Emergency based on weather forecasts.

The City will notify residents of declared snow route emergencies via the local newspaper and radio, as well as the Sturgis eWire e-mail service.The parking prohibition remains in effect until a street has been cleared of snow between two successive street intersections. It may also be cancelled via public announcement by the City. Vehicles found parked on-street during a Snow Removal Emergency may be ticketed.